The Role of Managers in the Gastronomy Field Amidst the Pandemic
Gastronomy, Pandemic-COVID-19, Manager, Patrons, ServersAbstract
Gastronomy is the academic exploration of the interplay between food and culture, encompassing the culinary expertise required to create and present sumptuous and delectable dishes, the distinctive cooking methods associated with specific geographical areas, and the scientific principles underlying optimal nutrition. A person who has extensive knowledge and appreciation of fine food and drink is referred to as a gastronome. A gastronome is someone who actively combines both theoretical and practical aspects of the study of gastronomy. Practical gastronomy encompasses the practical application and scholarly examination of the process of preparing, producing, and serving various cuisines and beverages from many global cultures. Theoretical gastronomy provides a foundation for practical gastronomy. It pertains to a systematic and methodical approach centered around recipes, procedures, and cookbooks. Food gastronomy pertains to the study of food and beverages and their origins. Technical gastronomy complements practical gastronomy by giving a methodical way of evaluating gastronomic subjects.
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