Writing Rules
Below, we have outlined the fundamental aspects to be considered in the writing of academic articles. Articles prepared in accordance with accepted academic standards contribute to effective scientific communication and knowledge sharing. To this end, our journal is based on the American Psychological Association (APA) style, aiming to adhere to the standards specified for academic publications.
We expect our authors to prepare their articles in accordance with these rules and submit them to us. Articles submitted to our journal that do not adhere to these rules will not be considered for evaluation.
Please prepare your articles according to the "Manuscript Template".
1. Title and Title Page:
- The title should be attention-grabbing and descriptive.
- The title should be written in 12-point Times New Roman font and formatted in bold.
- The title page should include the title of the article, author(s) name(s), affiliation (if any), contact information, biographies, and relevant date information.
2. Abstract:
- The abstract should present the main points of the article briefly and concisely.
- The abstract should be between 150-250 words.
- The abstract should be written as a single paragraph and should not be indented.
3. Main Text:
- The main text should be written using 12-point Times New Roman font with double line spacing.
- Paragraphs should be indented, with the first line indented.
- The text should be divided into sections according to APA format: Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion.
- In-text citations should be in accordance with APA format.
4. Quotations and References:
- Quotations can be used as direct quotes or paraphrases.
- Direct quotes should be presented within quotation marks and should be reproduced exactly from the original source.
- Paraphrases should be written in an original manner with proper citation.
- Sources should be formatted according to APA style within the text. References should be provided at the end of the text in a reference list.
5. Tables and Figures:
- Tables and figures should be indicated in the text where they are referenced.
- Tables and figures should be numbered and presented with captions in APA style.
- Below tables and figures, source or explanatory information should be provided.
6. Language and Expression:
- The language of the article should be appropriate for a scholarly journal. The expression should be clear and understandable.
- Technical terms should be defined or explained appropriately.
- Sentences should be carefully crafted to avoid unnecessary repetition and ensure clarity.
7. Reference List:
- All sources used in the article should be listed in a reference list formatted according to APA style.
- The reference list should be arranged alphabetically, listing the authors' names, publication year, title of the article/book, place of publication, and publisher information for each source.